ipeak Infosystems GmbH+41 41 497 50 00jrypbzr@vcrnx.pu
ipeak Infosystems GmbH

Software development made easy

Your Swiss agency for Angular based software development. Cost-effective, transparent and experienced - we take you further.

Meet our software development experts.

ipeak Infosystems has over 15 years of market experience. Our solutions put people at the center of software development. Our commitment is your success, from the first point of contact through to the MVP and go-to-market. We accompany you in partnership, all the way. Our own software solution "ibexecosystem" is our toolbox for interlinked, collaborative and interactive digital systems and platforms.

Man with glasses

Marco Weis | CTO & Partner

As CTO and Partner, he is the specialist for all custom software development, also beyond Angular. His wealth of experience is your competitive advantage and the foundation for the development of new and innovative ideas. Whether it's the realization of a planned business idea or consulting for idea generation, you can expect perfectly thought-out solutions.

Woman with glasses

Katja Richter | Project Management

Our software development processes are in good and reliable hands. From start to finish, Katja leads the conceptual planning and the agile implementation of projects. She keeps an eye on deadlines and costs. She tests and challenges the user interface not only on the basis of functionality, but above all user friendliness.

Young man with blue shirt

Raphael Isenschmid | Development

Whether Ionic mobile apps or Angular web apps, your ideas begin to take shape in his hands. With expertise and creativity, he is capable of transforming every thought into a line of code, creating technical worlds and links that transport your business model from the physical to the digital realm.

Man with hoodie

Peter Da-Rin | UI-/UX-Design

To ensure that your solution is not only functional, but also appealing, colourful, clear and user-friendly, you benefit from top-notch design advice. From the overall layout to the details of each and every pixel, your idea will get an eye-catching interface that is suited to the tasks at hand and adapted to its target audience.

Implemented projects

Be inspired and let our past work speak for itself

Community management in the Evangelical Reformed Church of Canton St. Gallen

The platform Pfefferstern is an interactive event management and communication tool of the Evangelical Reformed Church of the canton of St. Gallen. At its core is the facilitation of a modern exchange between young people and the church. With over 30,000 active users, it is a dynamic platform for all those involved.

Read more about the idea and implementation >>

Digital information via interactive screens and a mobile app in the Upper Engadine

The cross-municipality information solution of the twelve municipalities Bever, Celerina, La-Punt, Maloja, Madulain, Pontresina, Samedan, S-chanf, Sils, Sivaplana, St. Moritz and Zuoz, allows visitors to access all information from the region as well as content specific to individual municipalities - all in the same look-and-feel.

Read more about the idea and implementation >>

A digital service marketplace for Raiffeisenbank Mischabel-Matterhorn

The platform "z'mari" underlines the customer centricity of the Raiffeisenbank Mischabel-Matterhorn and supports users with more complex tasks. "z'mari" is open to everyone and sets a new precedent in the mediation of service offers.

Read more about the idea and implementation >>

Information management in tourism and hospitality "tweebie"

The result of our in-house software development combined with our vision to unite all tourism stakeholders under one digital roof. The cross-destination communication platform "tweebie" consolidates data from entire tourism regions into a single user-friendly app.

Read more about the idea and implementation >>

Why choose ipeak?

Speech bubble

We are in constant exchange with our customers

Being close to our customers and solving complex problems is what sets us apart. We are a helping hand and support digital projects. Read for yourself what our customers value most.

Customer testimonials >>

Measure tape

We develop custom software solutions

Solutions adapted to the needs and wishes of our customers show our versatility when it comes to software development. We work with you to implement disruptive ideas and the associated business model, supporting you from conception through to market launch whilst programming your very own digital ecosystem.

We offer agile project management and rapid go-to-market

To start, we develop a MVE (Minimal Viable Ecosystem), which contains the basic functions and can be presented to the market. Thereafter, the fine-tuning begins: in close coordination with you and based on user feedback, we further develop your digital platform or ecosystem, until it is finally ready for rollout.

Have we sparked your interest?

Then we should meet! We are happy to drop by for a coffee at yours or you can visit us in our offices in Steinhausen in the canton of Zug or in Zermatt/Wallis - no strings attached.

We’ll talk about your idea and which (technical) possibilities we see for you moving forward. It is our belief that the decision to work together should be reached mutually, as this lays the cornerstone for a successful outcome.

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